Monday, February 22, 2010

Live Tweeting Abortion

I'm sure that most of you that I know from Twitter have heard about this, but for those you haven't, @antitheistangie is undergoing a chemical abortion and is telling her story to all of Twitter by tweeting it under the hashtag "#livetweetingabortion". This has been controversial to say the least. Most pro-choicers have been very encouraging. Antis, however, are outraged. They say that Angie's story is "sick" or "horrifying" or "disgusting". Many of them have attacked Angie directly for telling her story. Others resort to gossiping about her behind her back. The question that I'm dying to get an answer to is this; Why are they so angry?

This isn't the first time that I've seen anti-choicers go nuts over women speaking out. Just a few days ago, Jill Stanek published a blog post bashing the new website,, which allows people who have had an abortion to let their voices be heard. This is nothing new.

Why are so many of them getting so angry? My guess is that it's a power thing. The oppressors love to silence the oppressed. In this case, anti-choicers are exerting dominance over women by silencing their voices unless their voice happens to contribute to their cause. If a confident woman like Angie shares her abortion story and proclaims that she feels no regret, people will try to silence her. However, if a woman who regrets her abortion speaks up and tells her story, antis give it all the publicity in the world. Her voice matters because it benefits their agenda, Angie's voice hurts their agenda. That is the difference. They won't hear our voices, just like most of them won't hear rape victim's voices.

I think that live tweeting abortion is a wonderful idea. There is a lot of stigma surrounding this procedure. This stigma hurts people and it silences people. So many people are afraid to tell their stories because of this. Antis are actually working against women who regret their abortions by encouraging this stigma, because it hurts them too. If we could get more women to tell their stories- verbally, by tweeting, blogging, etc- the stigma will slowly (but surely!) be erased. By using her voice, Angie is making it easier for other women to use their voices, too. So, Angie, I'd like to take a moment to thank you for the work that you're doing for women. You are amazing!


  1. What is amazing to me is that at no point did she go into major details that couldn't be found out either on the internet or by consulting with a physician. She was not irreverant in any way and was straight forward and honest in what was occurring. No pictures were put in place and nothing horrifying was relayed. My assessment is simple minds are outraged at things they are unable to control.

  2. Thanks for being such a huge supporter throughout this entire (days-long now) process. I will admit, when I first started the hashtag, I had no idea I'd have a slow abortion & be battling the antis for *quite* this long, but having friends like you on my side has made it immeasurably easier.

    You're a great abortion buddy :)

  3. I sent in my story of abortion regret to 45 Million Voices. Twice. So far no reply. Since they said they are looking for HONEST abortion stories I will keep trying to tell mine. OR do they just want IT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE stories??

    Oh, and I am not angry over the Twitter abortion. I think it is all for attention and I hope that Angie gets the help she needs. Hi Angie.

    Why do you think there is a stigma about abortion? Do you think it is because abortion kills an innocent growing human child? Nah. Couldn't be that. Must be the anti's right PC Gal?

  4. Carla- Yep, it's the antis. There's no good reason for there to be stigma surrounding abortion.

    I'm sorry that your abortion story wasn't accepted. To be fair, I'm sure that anti-choice abortion story sites would reject regret-free abortion stories, too.

    I can't speak for Angie, but from what I've read, it looks like that she has gotten the help that she needed. It looks like she needed medical help to end her pregnancy. It doesn't really look like she needed a bunch of antis to yell at her.

    Angie: Abortion buddies FTW!

  5. Yes, it's quite ironic, yet not unexpected, that anti-choicers who claim to care about women so much actually want women to regret their abortions. They also don't want those women to get on with their lives. They want women to feel guilty and believe they've done something terrible forever. It's amazing. Part of life is making tough decisions. Sometimes things turn out alright. Sometimes we realize that the decision we made turned out to suck. This happens millions of times a day. We can never go back in time and make the other decision the second time around. The best we can do is learn from our mistakes and get on with our lives. I think the one thing that women who are glad they had an abortion and women who regret having an abortion can agree on is that getting on with your life is the most important thing.

  6. Oh, and to Carla. First, what makes you think they're going to e-mail you back? Maybe they haven't had the chance to post your story. I have a feeling they're flooded with e-mails. And I didn't count every entry on that site, but I'm pretty sure there aren't 45 million of them, so I bet a lot of them haven't been posted yet. Unless they explicitly told you that they're not going to post it, or if a great deal of time has passed since you last sent in your story, then your grievances aren't based on anything.

    Secondly, for someone who isn't angry about Angie's choice to share her abortion experience as it happens, you sure did say something quite nasty and presumptive about her. You're just proving to us that you are, like every other anti-choicer I've ever seen, read, or heard in my life, extremely judgmental and unsupportive.

  7. Yes. They are absolutely flooded with abortion stories full of rainbows and butterflies and peace.

    But you aren't being nasty and presumptive about me right, Fem?

    I was told at the clinic that I could get on with my life, they told me it was a bunch of cells, it will be the best thing I've ever done.....Lies. All lies. Regretting an abortion comes with realizing you have killed your own child. Kinda self inflicted you know?

    I am sorry that pro aborts are in the minority now. Wait. No I'm not.

  8. I should introduce myself. My name is Carla. I am a moderator on Jill Stanek's blog Prolife Pulse. You still haven't answered my questions over there BTW PCGal.
    I am posting here because you, so far are one of the only PC blogs that allows my posts. :) So I thank you for that.

    I am going to pull up a chair, grab a Latte and set a spell.

    PCGal and Fem maybe you could answer a question for me.....why when I stand with my I Regret My Abortion Sign do I get spit on, sworn at and flipped off by angry, bitter women? Hmmmm. Wouldn't that be nasty and presumptive of them?

    Oh and Angie tweeted something about Jill sending "killers to her house." Any tweets of Jill's to back up that claim? Did you tell ABC News that, Angie?

  9. You made a nasty judgment about another woman that's based on nothing. Therefore, you are judgmental. See how that works?

    Secondly, the people at the clinic said something you didn't believe. You had your own reasons for going through with the abortion. If you believed that you were killing your child by having an abortion, it must have been an extremely difficult decision for you to make.

    The point is that whether a woman feels happy after an abortion or regrets her abortion, it's important that she has the right to choose how many kids she has. Just because you regretted your abortion doesn't mean it should be illegal for everyone. The fact that you regret it isn't legal abortion's fault. Regret is a possible consequence of making a decision. If you never want to regret anything again, let someone else make all of your decisions for you. But don't force that upon every woman.

    Lastly, according to recent polling, the percentage of people who believe abortion should be legal in all cases is about the same as the people who believe abortion should be illegal in all cases. Those are the people who are really pro-choice and pro-life, respectively. Most people say they're pro-life, but that doesn't mean they believe abortion should be illegal. I've talked to a lot of people who identify as pro-life who also say they don't believe abortion should be illegal, and who would support their friend's decision to have an abortion. Most people believe abortion should be legal in some cases, which means they don't fall on either side of the debate. So people who support abortion rights are not in the minority. Most people support them, at least to a certain extent.

  10. And you are judgmental as well. Pot meet kettle.

    You are wrong. I did believe that it was just a bunch of cells. I believed what they told me. I was 10 weeks along.
    5 years later I miscarried my second child into my hand and saw FOR MYSELF that it wasn't just a bunch of cells. I was lied to and taken advantage of and my abortion was the most horrifying experience of my life. Just because I and thousands like me regret their abortions means we should maybe offer women something better than abortion!

    But golly gee whiz I got what I paid for didn't I? A dead child. My dead child.

    Its important that if a woman doesn't want children she should think about that before she has sex and not use abortion as back up birth control.

    Abortion hurts women and I could care less if I am the last and only person on earth saying it.


  11. Carla- I have no idea what questions you're talking about. I don't frequent Stanek's blog. I'm not a masochist (most of the time).

    "why when I stand with my I Regret My Abortion Sign do I get spit on, sworn at and flipped off by angry, bitter women?"

    I can not speak for them. If you want to know why, then ask them why.

    "Oh and Angie tweeted something about Jill sending "killers to her house." Any tweets of Jill's to back up that claim?"

    The way that Stanek tweets and blogs about Angie could easily attract death threats towards Angie. When you portray a person as a sadistic, evil, baby murderer, it's no wonder that they're going to get death threats. This is no surprise, but yet, it manages to surprise antis EVERY time.

  12. Carla- You know what REALLY hurts women? Silencing their voices. When you pretend that abortion hurts all women, you're silencing them. You're hurting them. Don't speak for them, let them speak for themselves.

  13. "Could easily attract death threats? Did it?"

    Possible. Angie received death threats, I don't know if they were a direct result of Stanek's propaganda or someone else's.

    "PCGal you were on a thread at Jill's and I asked you if you regret your abortion."

    How can I regret the abortion that I've never had?

    "anyone silenced her yet??"

    Nope, but people (like Stanek) are sure as hell trying! You are silencing people. You're trying to make abortion this horrible, shameful thing, and this scares people who've had abortions. Let them tell their stories, they don't need you to shame them. I never said that you're hurting people by telling YOUR abortion experience. Go ahead and tell it, just be sure to speak for yourself alone, not other women.

  14. Carla- Sorry.I meant to delete my post b/c of a typo and I deleted yours. :( I'm a clutz.

    Here's carla's post that I accidentally deleted, if anyone's interested

    " Carla said...

    Could easily attract death threats? Did it?

    PCGal you were on a thread at Jill's and I asked you if you regret your abortion.

    Who is silencing voices? We just saw through the wonders of modern technology a woman tweeting her abortion.....anyone silenced her yet??
    I silence no one. Haven't silenced either of you yet either. Seems to me that freedom of speech is alive and well. Who am I hurting by telling others about my horrifying abortion experience?

    Food for thought..if either of you EVER regret your abortions and don't know what to do or who to talk to please contact me. I get emails all the time from women who have been hurt by abortion."

  15. I don't shame women who have had abortions. The shame comes from KNOWING what you have done to your growing child.(It is a scientific fact that life begins at conception.) Post abortive women call, email, and blog at me all the time about their experiences. I relate to them and they KNOW I am there for them if they ever need me. I speak for the thousands of women I have met through Operation Outcry, Silent No More, and Rachel's Vineyard.

    Jill Stanek is silencing Angie? All I have seen this week is posts about it...

    I am happy to hear that you have never had an abortion, PC GAL. Thank you for hearing me out. I appreciate it.

    Now you come play at Jill's sometime ok? Don't be a stranger. :)

  16. If you portray abortion as murder and get people to believe it, OF COURSE women will be ashamed. It's no mystery.

    "Jill Stanek is silencing Angie? All I have seen this week is posts about it..."

    And what have those posts said? Those posts are shaming Angie for telling her story. She's basically saying "unless your abortion story benefits my agenda, SHUT UP".

  17. Abortion is murder. No portraying necessary. I was 10 weeks pregnant when I went in for an abortion. My daughter was sucked out of my womb with a vacuum tube into a glass jar. Her body in pieces. She was killed. The shame comes from deep down knowing the truth about what you have done. It's no mystery.

    You will have to show me Jill's exact wording on that, PCGal. Not seeing it. Jill is a prolife blogger. Kinda goes without saying that she blogs about abortion, huh?

  18. Abortion isn't murder. One of the reasons that women feel shame is because of people like you, who portray abortion as a bad thing.

    "Jill is a prolife blogger."

    Exactly. She's an anti-choice blogger, and therefore she is going to try to silence anyone who doesn't agree with her. That's what antis do, remember?

  19. The thing that gets me about anti-choicers is their complete and utter lack of compassion. It seriously borders on sociopathic. The insults, the death that can be considered anything but pro-hatred by any rational human being is completely beyond me. They don't care about a fetus after it's born, they don't care about what the woman might be going through. The 'pro-life' movement is routed entirely in selfish misogyny and a control fetish.

    It also cracks me up when they assume that every pro-choicer has had an abortion. I mean, I thought all women regretted their abortions...

  20. I will need you to point me to your sources then about what exactly happens in an abortion. I was pregnant when I went into the abortion clinic and I wasn't pregnant when I left. With clear reasoning and facts please explain to me how an innocent living human child is not killed in an abortion.

    Yes. Keep telling me that I am the one shaming women when I have done exactly what they have. I have saved the lives of two children just by telling my story. I have walked with women who KNOW what they have done. I keep in touch with all of the women who have kept their babies and need assistance with a job, a place to live, diapers, formula and cribs. I know! Heartless!

    Keep telling yourself that prolifers are anti life. Changing the wording hardly changes the facts.

    If I never lifted a finger to help anyone else as long as I live, how does it follow that a human child is not killed in the womb during an abortion?

    Jill gets more hits than you will ever see here PCGal. People around the world comment on her blog and as you would notice if you pop over ALL voices are there in the comments. But keep saying she is trying to silence everyone else. I see your comments are still up over there as well.

    Insane Girl,
    Perfect moniker. Again. Give me some articles, point me to the facts. Your opinion does not a fact make.

  21. Carla-
    "I was pregnant when I went into the abortion clinic and I wasn't pregnant when I left."
    That's kind of the point? Yes, the embryo dies during an abortion. That does not mean that a murder has taken place, nor does it mean that a child as been killed.

    "Keep telling me that I am the one shaming women when I have done exactly what they have."

    So, because you've had an abortion, it makes it okay to shame women who've had abortions?

    "I know! Heartless!"

    It is pretty heartless to try to force women through pregnancies. Very heartless, indeed!

    "Keep telling yourself that prolifers are anti life."

    As long as you people keep on getting doctors and women killed, yes, I'll keep on telling myself that.

    "how does it follow that a human child is not killed in the womb during an abortion?"

    Because fetuses and embryos are fetuses and embryos, not children.

    "Jill gets more hits than you will ever see here PCGal. People around the world comment on her blog and as you would notice if you pop over ALL voices are there in the comments. But keep saying she is trying to silence everyone else. I see your comments are still up over there as well."

    Yes, Jill has the time and the will to stalk people like antitheistangie, count how many vicodin she's taking, and blog about it. I do not. Her stalking appeals to the anti-choice community, and has gotten her pretty famous in that community. A pro-choicer stalking antis probably wouldn't be so popular. She also let's pro-choicers comment on her blog. And your point is..?

  22. I was 10 weeks pregnant. Google fetal development. Do your homework.

    Do you mean the women who fall into my arms sobbing about their children that died in abortion? Do you mean the women that email me and tell me all about their horrifying experiences? Do you mean the women who have never told anyone and they ask me for help to find abortion recovery services?
    How do I shame them? OR are you talking about women that are proud of their abortions? Sorry but they aren't ashamed. They are proud.(So was I)

    Choosing life for a baby=forced pregnancy. Explain.

    Me? You are blaming some mentally ill psycho paths who murder on me? Do tell.

    Embryo and fetus are stages of development like infant, toddler and adolescent and adulthood. Again. It is time to hit the books.

    What was your mother pregnant with when you were growing inside of her? A tadpole?

    I am sorry that you are so ill informed and that all you can do is vomit the same ol pro abort rhetoric. It is sad indeed that you are falling for the lies of the abortion industry. Abortion is big business.

    Just to be clear. I am prolife from conception to natural death. I am against stem cell research, eugenics, abortion and euthanasia. Sanctity of life. I guess that includes you too!!!

  23. You're making a crap load of assumptions about me without knowing anything.

    "Do you mean the women who fall into my arms sobbing about their children that died in abortion? Do you mean the women that email me and tell me all about their horrifying experiences? Do you mean the women who have never told anyone and they ask me for help to find abortion recovery services?"

    Yes. I mean every single woman that has ever had an abortion. You shame them by portraying abortion as this nasty, repulsive choice. Of COURSE women are going to feel ashamed if they believe your rhetoric.

    When did I ever say that CHOOSING to go through a pregnancy is forced pregnancy? Again, you're making idiotic assumptions. FORCING a woman to go through a pregnancy by law=forced pregnancy. It's not that hard to understand, it just takes two seconds of thought. I promise.

    "Me? You are blaming some mentally ill psycho paths who murder on me? Do tell."

    I'm blaming it on every member of the anti-choice movement. I'm blaming the anti-choice movement as a whole. When you call doctors mass murderers, baby killers, nazis, etc, and you get people to believe it, it's not wonder that they'll eventually get murdered. You're creating a climate in which people believe it's okay to kill doctors. You're dehumanizing them.

    "Embryo and fetus are stages of development"

    Yes. When did I say otherwise? Again, you're making silly assumptions.

    "What was your mother pregnant with when you were growing inside of her? A tadpole?"

    ONCE AGAIN, you're making assumptions about what I believe. I never said that an embryo isn't a human. I said that it's not a child. If you want this conversation to get anywhere (and considering the fact that you're an anti, you probably don't), then try asking me what I believe instead of guessing randomly.

    "I am prolife from conception to natural death. "

    Let me fix this statement. I believe you meant to say "I am 'pro-life' from conception to birth". If you meant otherwise, you'd stop trying to kill women and doctors.

  24. I'd like to clarify something. I don't deny that some women regret their abortions. I respect and love them just as much as I respect and love women who don't regret their abortions. I recognize the fact that some women feel a lot of pain and regret after their abortions. What I'm saying is that antis hurt those women, too. When you stigmatize abortion, you scare women into silence. Being forced into silence doesn't help ANYONE'S healing process.

  25. I'm trying to kill women and doctors?


    I stated what I believe and you changed it.
    I'll write it again.

    I am prolife. I believe in the sanctity of all life from conception to natural death.

    No need to add or change anything about that.

    If you or anyone else here who reads this blog regrets their abortion I welcome them to find me. I can offer help, hope and healing to those who regret their abortions.

  26. Your words and your actions contradict eachother. You say that you "believe in the sanctity of all life from conception to natural death", but you fight to kill doctors and women. Anti-choice is not pro-life.

  27. Again I ask......where, when, how, why PC GAL am I killing doctors and women??? Without solid proof you are babbling.

    I have denounced Roeder's killing of Tiller on Jill's blog so I will do that again here.
    IT WAS WRONG TO KILL SOMEONE IN FRONT OF THEIR FAMILY IN THEIR OWN CHURCH! Every killing of every abortion doctor was wrong, wrong, wrong. Not justified in any way.

    You are intentionally being intellectually dishonest. Know how I know? Cause you continue to spout lies. No bigs to me but your reader(s) may not appreciate your games.

    On Live Tweeting Angie's abortion part 3,000 on Jill's blog you might what to take a scroll down the thread. A woman had an RU-486 like Angie and regretted it. She later had a miscarriage. You should see how horrible, awful, hateful and mean we are to her. Totally vindictive. You would think we "hate" her. Sheesh.

  28. "Again I ask......where, when, how, why PC GAL am I killing doctors and women???"

    You keep on asking the same questions over and over and I keep on answering you. Here, let me copy and paste my previous answer. Maybe you'll actually read it this time

    'When you call doctors mass murderers, baby killers, nazis, etc, and you get people to believe it, it's not wonder that they'll eventually get murdered. You're creating a climate in which people believe it's okay to kill doctors. You're dehumanizing them.'

    You can "denounce" the murder of doctors as much as you like, but it means absolutely nothing until you stop using rhetoric that gets them killed.
    As for killing women, you're fighting to kill them by fighting for laws that kill them.I thought tat much would be honest.

    "You should see how horrible, awful, hateful and mean we are to her."

    I don't need to. I've already seen how horrible, awful, and hateful you've been to Angie. The only reason you weren't horrible to the woman who posted on that thread was because she did regret her abortion, and therefore you can use her to advance your agenda. It has nothing to do with love. If it had anything to do with love, you would be loving to women who do not regret their abortions.

  29. Please repost MY COMMENTS where I actually say any of the things you are accusing me of.

    And also repost MY COMMENTS where I say anything horrible, awful, hateful about Angie.

    Now you will say something like, "I don't need to. I don't have to. So there. Abortion is a blessing cause I say it is."

    Hands on hips. Stomp your feet.

  30. This conversation is going absolutely no where because you (apparently) think that there are never consequences to your words. You don't understand that, when you portray abortion as murder, you are not only silencing women but you're portraying doctors as murderers. You don't understand that, if you do this, it gets doctors killed. You also don't seem to get that portraying people (like Angie) as child killers IS in fact "horrible, awful, and hateful". Until you understand those things, this conversation is going absolutely nowhere. You'll just keep on repeating your questions and I'll keep on repeating my answers.

  31. Psychopaths kill people in cold blood in their church right in front of their family! Rational, thinking adults who have a passion to save the lives of unborn children do not kill abortionists. Big diff there.

    I can't exactly help the fact that Angie found out she was pregnant with a growing human child and ended that child's life by using RU-486. Those are the facts.

  32. "Rational, thinking adults who have a passion to save the lives of unborn children do not kill abortionists."

    Those "rational, thinking adults" encourage the murder of abortion doctor's. You've obviously ignored everything I've said before this. You don't have to be the one holding the gun to be partially responsible for the death.

  33. I believe I renounced the killing of Tiller on this thread, PCG. He should NEVER have been murdered in cold blood!! I can't imagine what his family went through!

    But you just keep telling yourself that I'm responsible. You obviously ignore everything I say. It must make you feel better.

  34. Do you know who is responsible for the killing of George Tiller? His name is Scott. Scott Roeder. He acted alone and in his own crazy mind thought that what he did was right. I disagree.

  35. Once again, you're ignoring everything that I've said. Try reading.

  36. You are blaming me for the death of abortionists. You are holding me partially responsible. I read.

    Oh and there are quite a few commenters that would like some answers to questions over at Jill's. :)

  37. Yes, because you ARE partially responsible for portraying abortion doctors as murderers.

  38. That some women regret their abortions is a sad fact, but one which does not negate the fact that many more do not.

  39. Hey Carla, we get it, you feel remorse for your abortion. You feel like you did a bad thing. Guess what, not everyone thinks you did. It seems to me you need to forgive yourself and stop projecting your views onto others who disagree with you.


  40. Most antis say `Well, I don`t mind abortion IF it`s to save the mother`s life`. But look at how they treat Angie. Really shows us the true face of the `pro-life`movement, eh?

    Carla- Just because you regret your abortion doesn`t mean that EVERY SINGLE OTHER WOMAN will have the same experience. Get out and talk to some women for reasons other than pushing your own agenda.

  41. Anyone who has ever said anything hateful or threatening to abortion providers is indirectly responsible for Dr. Tiller`s murder. When you call certain people murderers, baby-killers and Nazis and get people to believe you, the crazies will take it to heart and feel compelled to take action. You pickin`up what I`m layin` down?

  42. Buy it's OK for you to say hateful things about and to people who know life begins at conception and voice their belief that abortion is murder of a fellow human? Do you know that prolifers have been killed for their beliefs as well. Hate goes both ways.

    I ain't buyin what ur sellin.

  43. Praxedes writes:

    "If a confident woman like Angie shares her abortion story and proclaims that she feels no regret, people will try to silence her."

    Who is trying to silence Angie? The Angie's (and PCGs)of the world need to keep speaking out so we can get to the real issues behind the objectification of females. Hopefully you will start listening as much as you speak though.

    If Angie were so confident she wouldn't have found herself unwilling pregnant in the first place (unless she was raped or just doesn't know how humans are conceived). Truly confident women (and men) can control their sex drive until they are in a healthy marriage that is open to procreation.

    Keep talking. We're listening.

    The males you are sleeping with do not truly respect you. What both immature parties are saying with their bodies is "you are good enough to screw but not good-enough to be the parent of a child."

  44. "The males you are sleeping with do not truly respect you."

    You know my BF more than I do?

  45. Alot of women know you BF more than you do.

  46. Abortion doctors are murderers. They kill living, moving Fetuses. In your rantings, even you acknowledge that Fetuses are Living Human Beings. Therefore, abortionists kill (or stop the life of if you prefer) Living Human Beings.

    With that being said, YOU are responsible for the indirect killing of abortionists by condoning the killing of living human beings regardless of where they are temporarily living.

    Abortionists would not be killed except for the fact they are already killing living human beings. Not to hard to comprehend.

    NOTE FOR THE SIMPLE MINDED: I DO NOT CONDONE and actually loudly OPPOSE the killing of both fetuses and their murderers, the abortionists, the same way I oppose the killing of the murderers sitting on death row.

    Reflect on that for a while Ms. Authority and then Some.

  47. "Alot of women know you BF more than you do."

    You're funny.

  48. FEM,

    I don't regret decisions I make "a million times a day". I actually regret very few decisions I make a year. If you have so many regrets, you need to buy a mirror.


  49. If Carla's still hanging around here, 45 Million Voices did post a story that a woman sent about how she regrets having an abortion. Don't know if it's yours, but either way, 45 Million Voices doesn't seem to be shutting out women who've regretted having an abortion.



Due to constant spam and derailing coming from a few antis, I am now making this blog a "safe place". This does not mean that I won't allow opposing views. It means that I'm not longer going to allow hateful or unrelated/spammy comments. This will continue on until the anti-choice spammers get bored with harassing me and the people who post here, and is especially relevant when it comes to the topic of rape. I hope this doesn't deter any respectful people from commenting. :)